Every hot guy is somebody’s son, but lately, it’s starting to feel like every hot guy is somebody’s son. We can barely go a day without Facebook and Twitter erupting in joy at the discovery that a celebrity everyone loves has produced a male offspring everyone loves to look at. In honor of Scott Eastwood joining the family business this week with The Longest Ride, let’s take a look — a long yet tasteful look — at Hollywood’s sexiest sons.
Scott Eastwood
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s a male model turned actor who’s been in everything from Flags of Our Fathers to Invictus. This Friday, he stars in the Nicolas Sparks adaptation The Longest Ride, playing a death-defying bull rider with a heart of gold.
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Clint Eastwood’s hot son!
Sexiness Rating: Five out of five Tatums.
Representative Daily Mail Headline: “If I wasn’t an actor, I’d be a fireman”: Scott Eastwood opens up about his passion for physical challenge… and why you’ll NEVER see him in a Western
Instagram Followers: 270,000.
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “People assumed that I would have everything handed to me, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I was on my own just doing the grind.”
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? Very!
Sean Douglas
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s a successful songwriter who helped pen Demi Lovato’s “Heart Attack,” as well as the Jason Derulo hits “Wiggle” and “Talk Dirty.”
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Michael Keaton’s hot son!
Sexiness Rating: Three out of five Krasinskis.
Representative Daily Mail Headline: “I love you with all my heart”: Michael Keaton praises handsome son Sean as best friend during Golden Globes acceptance speech
Instagram Followers: 3,020.
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “I don’t go out of my way to not talk about it, but I maybe downplay it a bit. That’s sort of the way I was raised, to keep things separate, I guess.”
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? Kinda!
Max Irons
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s an up-and-coming British actor currently starring in The Riot Club and The Woman in Gold.
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Jeremy Irons’s hot son!
Sexiness Rating: Four out of five Redmaynes.
Representative Daily Mail Headline: “My name has opened doors — and slammed doors shut”: The world according to Max Irons
Instagram Followers: None, since he doesn’t do social media. “I find it distracting,” he told BBC America. “I find it stressful.” (The image above is from a fan account.)
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “Nepotism is despised in England, which is a very good thing. I think something to do with the class system. People really look down on nepotism. So yeah, it never really works in your favor — even in this industry.”
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? Dashing!
Patrick Schwarzenegger
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s dating Miley Cyrus, and also maybe cheating on Miley Cyrus.
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Arnold Schwarzenegger’s hot son! (And Sargent Shriver’s hot grandson!)
Sexiness Rating: Three out of five Goslings.
Representative Daily Mail Headline: “Apparently there’s not a T in it”: Miley Cyrus admits she can’t spell her boyfriend Patrick Schwarzenegger’s last name
Instagram followers: 440,000.
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “My mom raised me with the idea of doing public service, and I definitely want to go in that direction … My grandmother always said, when you receive a paycheck, you always have to put a certain amount to your savings, and 10 percent right away to charity.”
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? If you like muscles, sure!
Wyatt Russell
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s a former euro-league hockey player who had a breakout role in 22 Jump Street and will appear in Richard Linklater’s upcoming baseball movie, That’s What I’m Talking About.
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s hot son!
Sexiness Rating: Four out of five Hemsworths.
Representative Daily Mail Headline: The terrifying moment William Hurt and Kurt Russell’s son ran for their lives seconds before train killed camerawoman on movie set
Instagram Followers: None, since he doesn’t have one.
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “My family was involved in [acting], I never wanted to do it. I wanted to stay away from it because it’s what everyone expected I was going to do. I kinda just shied away from it for a long time. Afterwards, I realized I could do this as a job.”
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? Smokin’!
Jack Quaid
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s a young actor you may recognize from The Hunger Games, or from numerous internet sketch videos.
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid’s hot son!
Sexiness Rating: Four of out five Gordon-Levitts.
Representative Daily Mail Headline: Make-up free Meg Ryan enjoys lunch with her tall son Jack Quaid in New York
Instagram Followers: 16,000.
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “I auditioned [for Hunger Games] the same as everybody else. My dad didn’t even know about it until I got the part.” (This comes from a sketch, so it’s possible he was doing a bit.)
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? You bet!
Daniel Levy
Ostensible Claim to Fame: He’s a former MTV Canada presenter who’s made the jump into acting with roles in Admission and Schitt’s Creek (which he also co-created).
Real Claim to Fame: He’s Eugene Levy’s hot son!
Sexiness Rating: Three out of five Theroux.
Representative Daily Mail Photo Caption: Like father, like son: Canadian actor Eugene Levy posed on the red carpet with his look-alike son Dan Levy with whom he created the CBC comedy series Schitt’s Creek
Instagram Followers: 17,000.
Obligatory Quote About Nepotism: “For the first five years I was at MTV, I didn’t mention my dad, I didn’t mention anything about it, mainly because I think we’re in this culture right now where we snap-judge so quickly and the idea of nepotism and all of that … For me, it was important to make sure people saw me for me and didn’t necessarily judge me for being on TV because my dad is also in the media. ”
Was His Dad Hot Back in the Day? Oh, yeah!