backyard sessions

Miley Cyrus Wrote a Song for Her Dead Fish. What Have You Done for Your Pet Lately? [Updated]

Miley Cyrus is a bit of a pet hoarder, but that doesn’t mean she’s not deeply emotionally invested in every single one of her animals. Even her fish! A few months ago, Pablow the blow fish (what a name) passed away. She already got his likeness tattooed on her arm, but Miley has come up with another way to commemorate him: For her latest Backyard Session, she’s written an original song for the late fish that’s so adorable you’ll cry, and so hilarious you’ll cry. (“Watching my friends eat my friends ruined my appetite” is an actual line in this song.) She even ends the song with a dramatic thud on the piano, as tears stream down her face. You can’t make this up.

Some of you may remember a few months ago my dear blow fish Pablow past away. I wrote this song for him...He made me so happy and I miss him everyday.... But now he is with Floyd and Melanie's sweet Sadie

Posted by Miley Cyrus on Monday, May 18, 2015

Update: Miley also covered Paul Simon’s “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” (which she performed at SNL 40) and the Turtles’ “Happy Together.”

Happy Hippie Presents: Backyard Sessions - "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover"

Closing out this #BackyardSessions series with a couple more videos!! Originally performed by Paul Simon, you may remember this version of "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" from the SNL 40th Anniversary Special. #HappyHippiePresentsClick the Donate button below to learn more about The Happy Hippie Foundation's mission to rally youth to fight injustice & donate!

Posted by Miley Cyrus on Monday, May 18, 2015
Happy Hippie Presents: Backyard Sessions - "Happy Together"

These last 2 weeks have been magical! But this is just the beginning not the end! I can't believe this was just a dream and now it's a reality!!!! The Happy Hippie Foundation is official #HappyHippiePresents #BackyardSessions

Posted by Miley Cyrus on Monday, May 18, 2015
Miley Cyrus Wrote a Song for Her Dead Fish