Pay attention, do not take your eyes off this screen: Where once there was just one forthcoming Now You See Me sequel, now, suddenly, through the power of money, there are two! On an earnings call in May 2015, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer revealed his plans to conjure up a trilogy for the 2013 Jesse Eisenberg vehicle, which grossed over $350 million worldwide without having a superhero, giant robot, or even a colon in its title. It’s as if magic were real after all! Feltheimer did not hint at any plans for the title of the final installment, but you have to guess Now You 3 Me is on the table.
Update: A year after the three-quel was announced, Variety reports that NYSM2 director Jon M. Chu will also helm the third installment. May he be a capable steward of the Now You See Me Cinematic Universe.