Hannibal officially made its way over to the chopping block earlier today, but thanks to supportive fans and producers, the former NBC show won’t die quietly. Shortly after the cancellation news hit, the DeLaurentiis Co. galvanized heartbroken fans with a #SaveHannibal social-media campaign. A petition to try to resuscitate the series immediately appeared on Change.org. At time of publication, there were more than 11,000 signatures. Which means? Well, technically, not much. But symbolically it shows that a lot of people want NBC to know that they’re pissed and that they think Nielsen ratings are a totally quality, totally accurate metric for evaluating franchises. As far as the dead show’s Lazarus-like future is concerned, the DeLaurentiis Co. has mentioned that it’s looking into new partnership opportunities (which, according to Variety, include everything from digital outlets to cable channels). Long live Hannibal and his #Fannibal!