As legend goes, everyone in the room hated Stephen Colbert’s 2006 White House Correspondents’ Dinner routine routine. But as Colbert told Howard Stern today, that’s not quite true — at least one staunch conservative went crazy for Colbert’s jokes. “Antonin Scalia,” Colbert said, recalling the rare few who congratulated him after his set. (Late press secretary Tony Snow was another.) “Scalia comes over to me and he goes, ‘That was great! Really great stuff!’” Colbert remembered. “And I’m thinking, don’t make me love you, old man.” As Slate reported at the time, the Supreme Court justice was also seen “giggling like a schoolgirl” in the night’s reaction shots. The admiration, of course, wasn’t mutual: In June, Colbert released a video mocking Scalia’s gay-marriage dissent and comparing his head to “a flesh-toned cinch sak.”
Elsewhere in his appearance, Colbert revealed that, as a teen, he had sung in a Rolling Stones cover band called A Shot in the Dark, which naturally led to him doing a karaoke version of “Brown Sugar.” It’s not terrible!