Following Anthony Horowitz’s “too street” comments with regard to Idris Elba playing a future James Bond, the actor took to social media to shrug the critique off with a tongue-in-cheek post. Elba noted Horowitz’s apology with an Instagram screen-grab of a Moviefone headline and included his own “street” comment: “Always Keep Smiling!! It takes no energy and never hurts! Learned that from the Street!!” he wrote, hashtagging “septemberstillloveyou” and throwing in a smirk. “Idris Elba is a terrific actor, but I can think of other black actors who would do it better,” Horowitz told the Daily Mail earlier in the week. In his apology, Horowitz clarified that he thought Adrian Lester could be a better Bond — because he thinks of Luther Elba when he thinks of Elba. “For me, Idris Elba is a bit too rough to play the part. It’s not a color issue. I think he is probably a bit too ‘street’ for Bond,” he added. “Is it a question of being suave? Yeah.”
Ah, well, without further ado, here is Suave:
Idris Suave.