Earlier today, the Internet was a-tizzy at the prospect of Bill Murray, 65, and Jenny Lewis, 39, dating, after Page Six used such phrases as “special friend” and “current younger love interest” to describe the Rilo Kiley leader’s relationship with Murray. They cited her late-night presence at his Rock the Kasbah blowout and her Instagram of them onstage together there, as well as a few other pretty tenuous connections, as proof. (It’s also worth pointing out that Lewis has been with fellow musician and sometimes collaborator Johnathan Rice for a number of years.) Still, in some indie-movie universe Murray and Lewis made sense: Can’t you just imagine them going on dates, running through crowded flea markets and putting hats on each other?
Well, Vulture is here to sadly or gladly — depending on how much you fixate on their 26-year age difference — inform you that they are not dating. A source near the pals tells us that they are indeed just friends. That said, what a cool pairing of friends! Can’t you just imagine them going on friend dates, running through crowded flea markets and putting hats on each other?