As a new year approaches, so, naturally, does another season of Girls. But while most of the titular girls were in a good place at the end of season four, the same can’t be said for Hannah’s mom. Loreen Horvath, played by Becky Ann Baker, had a rough time, as her husband Tad came out as gay and left Loreen wondering where her life had gone. When Vulture ran into Baker at a cocktail party for the film Learning to Drive, hosted by the Cinema Society, we asked her if there would be any upswings for Mrs. Horvath in season five. While she was cagey about season-long details (no spoilers!), Baker did reveal that there would be some serious mother-daughter bonding this year.
“Hannah and I go to a wonderful weekend away to kind of work on our issues, and I got to do this thing called acro yoga,” said Baker. “Literally, you’re being raised on someone’s feet. They’re flipping you around, this person who knows what they’re doing, and at times your shoulders are on their feet, and at times your hips are on their feet. By the end of it, you feel like you’ve done a chiropractic session and a yoga session.” While aerial asanas sound intriguing, we wondered where the idea had come from, as it sounds like it needs a little more space than New York’s tiny yoga studios provide. “It turns out that Lena has been doing it in L.A.,” said Baker. “It’s a very L.A. thing. And I have to say, when they first presented it to me, I was terrified. But it ended up being amazing.” If being hoisted in the air by a hot yoga teacher can’t help Loreen out, nothing can.