Heard of the Han Solo standalone project? Cool, so has Harrison Ford, and he doesn’t care. In an interview with Reuters on Thursday, the Star Wars veteran shut down questions related to the character and the movie because, as he revealed, he’s not involved with it. “I don’t think [playing Han Solo is] about being like me; it’s about us being like Han Solo,” he explained. “I’m sure whoever is responsible for that film, and I’m not, will think through the issues and problems of doing such a thing — let’s make them responsible for those questions you might think to ask me.” As you might have guessed, when asked if he had any tips for the next actor playing Han, he said no. But he did say he liked the way the new trilogy has begun with Force Awakens, which he is very involved with and has declared “wonderful.” For more from the interview, as well as video, head here.
For something totally different, you can also see what he thinks of Donald Trump’s Ford fandom, below: