
President and Michelle Obama Have the Exact Same Favorite Songs of 2015 As You Do

The Obamas. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images

Wow, who knew President and Mrs. Obama loved Meghan Trainor this much? Just kidding. I mean, I’m sure they think she’s fine. I know I do! POTUS and FLOTUS shared their favorite everything of 2015 with People this week, and guess what? Their favorite songs of 2015 are also your favorite songs. How about that? Small world. Michelle is still spinning Bruno Mars’s “Uptown Funk,” while the president votes for Kendrick Lamar’s “How Much a Dollar Cost.” And just like us, no matter how much cool music they listen to, if you put their phones on Shuffle at a party, the first song that comes up is Britney Spears/Iggy Azalea’s “Pretty Girls.” Every time. It’s like some kind of shame algorithm.

The Obamas Discuss Their Favorite Songs of 2015