Christian Bale, who has made a career out of transforming his body to match nearly every role — obsessively training for American Psycho and Batman, losing an extreme amount of weight for the The Machinist and The Fighter, and putting on excessive pounds for American Hustle — has finally found a challenge that’s too extreme: getting out of shape. According to Deadline, Bale has dropped out of Michael Mann’s Enzo Ferrari biopic due to health concerns, specifically that he felt he couldn’t safely gain the necessary weight before the film went into production this spring. And if Christian Bale isn’t the right weight — probably down to the milligram (he’s Welsh, after all) — Christian Bale doesn’t do the part. Despite Bale’s departure, Enzo Ferrari is set to shoot as scheduled, and Paramount and Mann are on a last-minute hunt for a less-fit actor for the lead role. The munching noise you hear in the distance is the sound of thousands of aspiring leading men gorging on donuts.