
Iggy Azalea’s ‘Viral’ Career Comeback Isn’t Going So Smoothly

Bonds Celebrate 100 Years With Iggy Azalea And Pat Rafter
Yikes. Photo: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images

Even if Iggy Azalea never saw the instant-classic meme of Sarah Palin’s bizarre Donald Trump speech dubbed over her own equally bizarre live rapping, she would’ve been having a bad week. Not in the very least because, as she shared with fans in one of her usual TMI-filled stories, she peed herself during a root canal on Wednesday. (In her defense, Iggy says she was sedated for eight hours.) No, her real hump-day woes stem from an already-backfiring career comeback: The rap pariah tweeted last night that her label is refusing to let her film a video for her “buzz” single “Azillion” because her hive has not been buzzing loud enough.

She released the song under the presumptive impression that it would go “viral” — in fact, she notes in her tweets, it already has. “I felt like it was dope so, whatever. Ted Cockle doesn’t wanna see me shine. What can I say,” she ranted, calling out the president of Virgin EMI, as you do when you’re keeping things “mildly professional.” Of course, only the internet can decide what goes viral, and it appears the internet has spoken: 879,000 streams does not a viral hit make. So, what’s a disgruntled artist to do? “If all else fails, I’ll just drive around L.A. and play my new album really loudly every Monday from 4-6pm hahaha.” L.A., you’ve been warned.

Iggy Azalea Tweets About Her Label Woes