casting couch

Joseph Fiennes Responds to Playing Michael Jackson in Road-Trip Comedy

Fiennes and Jackson.

Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, and Marlon Brando taking a road trip together sounds kind of like it should be a sleeping-pill commercial, but the possibly real occurrence is the subject of a TV movie for Britain’s Sky Arts. While Stockard Channing will play Taylor and Brian Cox will play Brando, it was the choice of Joseph Fiennes as king of pop Michael Jackson that has raised eyebrows. “It’s a tongue-in-cheek, fun, light look at three wonderful characters that we know — Michael Jackson, Liz Taylor, and Marlon Brando — and they go on a road trip together,” Fiennes told ET Canada. “Some say it’s an urban legend, and our story basically says, ‘If it happened, maybe it happened like this.’ They’re stuck in a car for 500 miles as they drive to Pennsylvania, and we get to hear some of the shtick that goes on.” Hmmm … a fun, light look, eh? Sounds about right.

Joseph Fiennes on Michael Jackson Casting