casting couch

Can the Random Pairing of Miley Cyrus and Elaine May Make Woody Allen Happy About the Amazon Show He Has to Do?

Miley Cyrus and Elaine May. Photo: Getty Images

That Amazon TV show that has been the bane of Woody Allen’s existence is finally starting to take shape. Though a miserable Allen said last May that he hadn’t “had a pleasurable moment since I undertook it,” Deadline reports that Allen has at last found it within himself to cast the thing, hiring an ensemble that includes none other than twerked-out psychedelic princess of pop Miley Cyrus and the inimitable actress and screenwriter Elaine May. What a pair! They’ll be starring alongside Allen in a period piece set in the 1960s. Allen, who has written and will direct all six half-hour episodes, said that production would begin in March, which will give Miley and Elaine plenty of time to smoke some salvia and do trust falls with one another.

Miley & Elaine May to Star in Woody Allen Show