Remember when Kanye did his Pablo thing on SNL? As with other Pablo-related things, drama came up in the 11th hour, according to a report from Page Six. Anonymous sources told the New York Post that the live-sketch show’s stage setup prompted a Kanye outburst, one that entailed the rapper almost bailing moments before he was supposed to go live. “There were a few really tense minutes [backstage],” one source explained, noting that Kim — in the audience with Kylie Jenner — had to help Lorne Michaels and Co. mollify the rapper. “He freaked out about how the set was arranged. He was saying he’s ‘the greatest artist,’” another added. “He’s under a lot of stress between the new album and the fashion line.” Ultimately, of course, Yeezy stayed and performed.
Update: Now Page Six has what it claims is audio from the set. They call it a “meltdown,” but it’s really more self-declarations of importance and a musical artist upset about how things aren’t going according to plan. “They took my fucking stage off of SNL without asking me,” says a critical Kanye. “Now I’m bummed.” Then he calls Taylor Swift a “fake ass” and declares himself 50 percent more influential than any human being dead or alive, including Stanley Kubrick, Pablo Picasso, Pablo Escobar, and Apostle Paul:
On the same day the audio surfaced, Yeezy had taken to Twitter to address his ego:
So, to be fair, Ye is also critical of Ye.