Wouldn’t that have been cool? If they had put Randall Park in a salt-and-pepper wig, aged his ’90s Fresh Off the Boat character up 20 years, and had Louis Huang appear in the Dr. Ken universe in 2016? Ah, the crossovers that might have been! Instead, Park will guest on Ken Jeong’s show in April as “Gary Chon, the seemingly straitlaced leader of the Korean Men’s Club that Ken reluctantly joins, in a bid to make friends,” which sounds good, too. Oh, oh, they also could have put Fresh Off the Boat–era Louis Huang in a time machine and had him travel to 2016 to visit the world of Dr. Ken. Sure, that would have been an out-of-left-field call for ABC, but you already wrote all that goddamn Dr. Ken/Fresh Off the Boat time-travel fanfiction, so come on! You’ve already done all the heavy lifting!