He’s got less than a year left and Barry’s going out with a bang! A bang that involves discussing civic engagement and education for girls around the world because, you know, he’s still the president. He’s keeping it classy. SXSW announced today that President Obama will join Texas Tribune editor-in-chief Evan Smith at the festival this Friday, where Obama will call on tech creators and entrepreneurs “to apply their ideas and talents to make technology work for us — especially when it comes to tackling big challenges like increasing participation in the political process and fighting climate change.” On Wednesday, March 16, the First Lady will speak at SXSW Music about the global initiative Let Girls Learn, calling for increased attention to girls’ education in honor of Women’s History Month. Then the Obamas are both going to go absolutely nuts on that festival, just really going for it party-wise in an extremely tasteful, presidential, one-and-one-third-of-a-glass-of-white-wine type of way.