lunchtime beauty

This Nail Polish Makes Your Hands Smell Like Flowers

The Jin Soon Summer Collection.
The Jin Soon Summer Collection. Photo: Courtesy of JinSoon

In traditional Korean culture, mothers and daughters dye their nails with the petals of the bong-soon-hwa flower — an old-school generational ritual that simulated the look of nail polish on bare nails. When creating her new summer shades, the legendary Jin Soon Choi — Steven Meisel’s and Marc Jacob’s manicurist of choice — was inspired by this memory. 

Her newest polish, Crush, is a glossy orange-red that mimics the color of bong-soon-hwa. The tinted finish is a marvel of contradictions: glossy and somewhat opaque, yet sheer, so that it looks almost like plexiglass on the nails. It’s also strong — five days later, and I have yet to see a chip.

Jin Soon polish in Crush. Photo: Courtesy of JinSoon
The process of bong-soonhwa. Photo: Courtesy of JinSoon
This Polish Makes Your Nails Smell Like Flowers