The costume designers for the upcoming Power Rangers reboot took one look at those ‘90s bodysuits and thought, “It’s morphin’ time!” Because instead of that spandex, the new Rangers are rocking some ab-defining outfit that fall somewhere between Iron Man, Daft Punk, and Mystique from the X-Men at a music festival. “The show was about kids coming of age, about metamorphosis,” director Dean Israelite told EW. “These suits needed to feel like they were catalyzed by these kids and their energy, their spirit.” The reboot stars Becky G as the Yellow Ranger, Ludi Lin as the Black Ranger, Dacre Montgomery as the Red Ranger, Naomi Scott as the Pink Ranger, RJ Cyler as the Blue Ranger — sadly, Amy Jo Johnson is nowhere in sight. They’ll go to war with Elizabeth Banks’s Rita Repulsa in the upcoming film, which is set for a 2017 release.