As long as you love them, Backstreet Boys will continue to feed that ever-starving nostalgia hole in your soul with their sweet harmonies, side steps, and, possibly later this summer, a new album. Brian Littrell, the Boy ‘90s teen magazines led us to believe was the “sensitive one,” announced via his Instagram that the band was hard at work with a picture of a recording lab and the cryptic caption, “Doing something we’ve never done before…. BSB feature with FGL ….. Great record …. Comes out late August …..” Does this mean BSB (Backstreet Boys, obviously) will be pairing with bro-country duo FGL (Florida Georgia Line, probably) for a song with a twangy edge? How will the two bands possibly combine their music-video aesthetics — all of the BSB crew in their “Everybody” haunted-house monster costumes singing on an empty beach on some rocks? The FGL dudes in jean vests on the “Larger than Life” spaceship? Actually, those both sound fantastic. Backstreet’s back, alright!