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Christoph Waltz in Talks for Alita: Battle Angel Adaptation From Robert Rodriguez and James Cameron

Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

Christoph Waltz could be joining a movie based on a popular manga graphic novel that is being produced by James Cameron and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Color us curious! According The Hollywood Reporter, Waltz is in early talks to co-star in Alita: Battle Angel as Doctor Dyson Ido, a man who finds a female cyborg in a scrap yard and becomes her mentor. That cyborg will be played by Rosa Salazar, whose highest profile project to date is Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. The story takes place in the 26th century, and when Ido finds Alita, the only thing she can remember about her life before is the exceptional combat training that’s turned her into a walking weapon. Naturally, Cameron and company are eyeing the film as the first in a franchise with a major budget attached, and as THR says, “The action-adventure story is meant to serve as a backdrop to themes of self-discovery and the search for love,” which is just so James Cameron. But maybe he should finish that one-billion-dollar franchise before he starts another one? Just a suggestion.

Christoph Waltz in Talks for Alita: Battle Angel