Another August, another first-time blockbuster director taking to Twitter after his superhero film that saw the heavy hand of studio interference opened to terrible reviews. But unlike poor Josh Trank, whose bridge-burning reaction to Fantastic Four’s ignominious opening may have sealed his fate, David Ayer is savvy enough to stick by Suicide Squad all the way to the end. (Or maybe he just really likes the movie.) Shortly after the first wave of dismal Squad reviews broke, Ayer spoke out with a quote from Emiliano Zapata, roughly translated as “I’d rather die standing than live forever on my knees” — his way, he explained, of saying how proud he was of the film. That’s even more positive than Zack Snyder, who could only manage a wan “It is what it is” when his own DC Comics film was roasted. Ayer also repeated the familiar talking point that he made the movie “for the fans,” who have thanked him by trying to get those review sites shut down.