what might have been

Jeremy Renner Repeatedly Suggested Hawkeye Should Die While Shooting The Avengers, Which Is Surely Something the Filmmakers Never Got Tired Of

The Cinema Society With Audi And FIJI Water Host A Screening Of Marvel's
Photo: Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

According to his comments during a recent Q&A, Jeremy Renner was so disappointed in the character of Hawkeye in 2012’s The Avengers, he repeatedly floated the idea that Hawkeye could, you know, just die. “[I]n the first Avengers … I was just getting to know who Hawkeye was, and then zap, I go round like a zombie, I’m like Loki’s minion,” Renner revealed in London. “And I’m still not even sure who Hawkeye was at that point, so I’m a little frustrated, because I was so excited to figure out who Hawkeye was.” In case you were wondering how, exactly, Clint Barton would meet his untimely end, rest assured it wouldn’t be giving his life selflessly for his friends or New York City. Joked Renner, “I’m giving you an option, if you just want to kick me out of this movie. Just, you know, at any given moment, if you wanna kill me off, daddy’s gonna be having a heart attack.” Man, if only Jeremy Renner had thought to have Hawkeye refer to himself in the third person as “Daddy.” He’d be crushed with a mythical hammer or thrown through a penthouse window before the end of his sentence.

Jeremy Renner Wanted Hawkeye to Die in Avengers