M.I.A. has had quite a busy summer since announcing that her upcoming album, A.I.M., would indeed be her last. Fresh from releasing separate tracks with Diplo and Skrillex, as well as harshly criticizing MTV’s Video Music Awards for “racism, sexism, classism, and elitism,” the pop provocateur has unveiled yet another new song titled “Freedun” — this time teaming up with Zayn Malik. “I made this song a long time ago and it was always sort of mainstream sounding for me,” she told BBC Radio 1’s Annie Mac following its premiere. “If I was going to have a collaboration and have someone like Zayn, this was the perfect song. It takes me out of my comfort zone, but it takes him out of his as well.” Listen below, if you don’t mind getting the catchy melody of free, da da dun, free, da dun, stuck in your head.