To all of those Nobel obsessives out there, Bob Dylan has heard your cries, and he is here to relieve you from your anguish — kind of. After receiving a Nobel Prize in Literature, and then proceeding to duck the Nobel Academy thereafter, Dylan has now commented on his considerable achievement for the first time. He thinks it’s cool! Talking to the Telegraph, Dylan said: “Isn’t that something …?” He also called the news “hard to believe” and “amazing, incredible,” asking, “Whoever dreams about something like that?” So, given that, he’s definitely going to show up at the awards ceremony in Stockholm, right? Because, um, last we knew, Academy secretary Sara Danius hadn’t heard back. Per Dylan, the answer is “absolutely.” Awesome! “If it’s at all possible,” he added. Oh. All right. Well … we’ll take it! And as for that little matter of why Dylan couldn’t have just made his joy about the honor known in the first place, the talented troll explains, “Well, I’m right here.” In body, maybe, but Mr. Dylan, it sure feels like that spirit of yours is off blowin’ in the wind.