
Rachel Bloom Spent All of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s Budget Paying Homage to Beyoncé’s Lemonade

It isn’t just hard to look like Beyoncé, it’s expensive! But what better way for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend to start its second season premiere than by paying homage to the woman of big entrances? The opening number, “Love Kernels,” finds Rachel on the other side of her quest in West Covina, where at long last she’s with the love her life, master of angry karate Josh Chan. “The underlying emotion of the song is desperation,” Bloom told EW. “We loved the idea of playing with abstract imagery with a very human emotion — which is, desperation over someone texting you at 3 a.m.” It’s a big, ambitious number featuring multiple locations, high-fashion cactus dresses, and Josh Chan in a white tank top. We might be watching a lot of bottle episodes for the rest of the season, but goddammit, it was worth it.

Watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Pay Homage to Beyoncé