He may be from St. Louis and he’s definitely a lifelong Cardinals fan, but Jon Hamm is down for a Cubs World Series win. And he doesn’t feel like a traitor, either. “It’s exciting to see the Cubs in the World Series now. They’re kind of our traditional rivals, but I don’t have a dog in this fight, so I can certainly give it up for history on that one,” Hamm mused while waiting to celebrate his buddy Tom Ford’s big night at the InStyle Awards at the Getty Center in Los Angeles on Monday night.
And since his latest flick Keeping Up with the Joneses has laid an egg at the box office, Hamm doesn’t have much to do at the moment besides spending the next week glued to his TV set, watching the Chicago Cubs try to take the Major League Baseball championship away from the Cleveland Indians (the series is currently at 1-1).
“I’ve got a couple of things happening, I’ve got a few things that are in the can, as it were, and hopefully they will be seen by people when the time comes,” he said, admitting his schedule is basically wide open at the moment.
“And until then, I’ll just be kind of cleaning up my house and putting things in order — and watching baseball!” Attention, Jon Hamm’s agent: At least throw the guy another cameo.