Run the Jewels’ Killer Mike spent the last year supporting Bernie Sanders as the potential Democratic nominee, and as the Podesta hack reveals, the Clinton campaign definitely took notice. “I guess Killer Mike didn’t get the message,” a staffer wrote in one of several leaked emails to Clinton’s campaign chairperson John Podesta about the Atlanta-based rapper. As Mic points out, one point of discussion in the exchange was how Clinton’s camp should respond to a Killer Mike appearance back in February in which he quoted activist Jane Elliot, saying in part, “A uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States.” The speech kicked off something of a firestorm at the time, and now a piece of that firestorm can be yours for the semi-reasonable price of $28.00, as part of Mike’s new “I Don’t Check Messages” merchandise line. Way cooler, and probably way more work appropriate, than whatever Anthony Weiner ends up making with his leaked emails.