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The Power Rangers Wish They Were Iron Man or Spider-Man in Their New Trailer … Sorry, Kids

In this new trailer for the Power Rangers reboot, one of the kids asks a talking wall, “Are we more like Iron Man or Spider-Man?” Aside from the fact that one of them wears a red suit, there really aren’t a lot of similarities. For one thing, these rangers are way too teenage. After one of the rangers’ moms begs her to just say anything at all at the dinner table, the snarky young girl tells her family, “Pretty sure I’m a superhero” with a lot of vocal fry. Could she be more over it?

In the reboot, five 20-somethings play the teen titans Red Ranger, Pink Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger, helped out by a spunky robot voiced by Bill Hader. They’re tasked by their ancient alien mentor Zordon (Brian Cranston) to protect the Earth. The baddie here is good-ranger-gone-bad Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks, wielding a scepter that looks like a discarded illustration from Michael Jackson’s Dangerous album cover), who has the gilded villain named Goldar at her disposal. No one man should have all that power … so see the rangers split it among five stars when Power Rangers is released March 24. Check out the new trailer above, and an older trailer below.

Watch the Trailer for the Power Rangers Reboot