Carpool Karaoke is a hot ticket, thanks to its status as the greatest crowd-pleaser of the modern era. And while Vin Diesel certainly has the stature to get a booking in James Corden’s passenger seat, one wouldn’t necessarily assume he has the pipes, or the interest. Well, hush you naysayers far and wide, because Diesel outed himself as a Carpool Karaoke superfan on Wednesday’s The Late Late Show, and he’s ready to prove himself with a good ol’ song-and-dance. Picking an audition piece that has plagued musical theater snobs for the entirety of its ubiquity, Diesel sang “Consider Yourself” from Oliver! Let’s not underestimate Vin, though; the choice might’ve been a masterwork in reverse psychology. After all, what more confident path to supplication is there than turning the tables on just who’s considering who? Sir, brava.