voice casting couch

Kate McKinnon to Continue Inspiring Us by Voicing Ms. Frizzle in Netflix’s Upcoming Magic School Bus Revival

Photo: Getty Images, Scholastic Entertainment

Take chances, make mistakes, get messy, cast Kate McKinnon. Netflix has announced that the SNL leading lady will be voicing the beloved Ms. Frizzle on the streaming service’s upcoming revival of The Magic School Bus series, titled Magic School Bus Rides Again. (It was previously known as Magic School Bus 360.) Originally airing on PBS from 1994–1997, Netflix promises that the revived CGI-animated series will feature a “modernized” Ms. Frizzle (first voiced by Lily Tomlin) and will feature new scientific tools including robots and a “smart suit worn by the character Carlos that determines his body’s vital signs instantly.” Little else about the series, including its premiere date, is currently known, but that won’t stop us from getting excited anyway.

Kate McKinnon Voicing Ms. Frizzle in Magic School Bus Reboot