John Oliver might have won over liberal fans everywhere with his pre-election campaign to “make Donald ‘Drumpf’ again,” but now that the businessman is America’s president, Oliver doesn’t want to dedicate every episode of Last Week Tonight to the commander-in-chief. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the comedian told several journalists that the third season of his late-night series will hopefully include more deep dives into issues beyond President Trump’s tweets or executive orders.
“I think we’re very anxious to not make it all Trump all the time,” Oliver reportedly said, “both on a level of interest and on a level of what the human soul can sustain.” That’s why, with Oliver’s soul in mind, he’ll hopefully return to such warm and fuzzy topics as pyramid schemes ruining people’s lives and the refugee crisis. Still, it won’t be like the president is off limits. “I think you’ve probably got to work harder,” Oliver said of making Trump-related jokes. “That’s not necessarily a bad thing. There’s a lot of low-hanging fruit with administrations like this and you kind of need to reach past that.”