Shannon Purser, the breakout name from Stranger Things thanks to her relatively small but bighearted (and jacketed), role as Barb, has come out as bisexual. The 19-year-old actress, who now plays Ethel Muggs on Riverdale, did so in the midst of a Twitter conversation with fans of the CW show about whether a kiss between Veronica and Betty in the show’s pilot qualified as queerbaiting, as the show seems to be using their kiss for shock value and appears to have no intention of exploring an actual relationship between the two characters. In a now-deleted tweet, Purser complained about “angry beronica stans,” and then defended herself against complaints that she was dismissing LGBT fans who were looking for representation on TV.
Later last night, Purser expanded on her thoughts, explaining that she had recently come out as bisexual to her friends and family (Purser tweeted vaguely about her sexuality earlier in April) and that she was still “new to the LGBT community.”
Mazel to Purser, and hooray for another woke teen TV star. Let’s hope the woke teens of TV can also help the TV writers rooms and TV execs become a little more aware, too.