We get it, Spike, you still love Bernie. Spike Lee won’t say who he voted for in the 2016 election, but the outspoken Bernie Sanders supporter suggests it might not have been Hillary. In Cannes for two big events — a conversation with Roger Guenveur Smith and to moderate a Q&A with Elton John — Lee sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to talk movies and politics. He won’t say whether he voted for Clinton, but did name drop Shattered, the book detailing her ill-fated presidential bid.
You were a passionate Bernie Sanders supporter. Did you eventually migrate to Team Hillary once Bernie was out?
Have you read the book Shattered? Great book. Hillary comes with entitlement. They thought they were entitled to this and despite what you might think, you gotta work. If you’re chilling at Martha’s Vineyard, and think “It’s a done deal.” But it wasn’t. There’s one thing you can learn from sports. To quote Yogi Bear: “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.” They thought it was theirs. Shit don’t work like that.
And when THR asked the Do the Right Thing director point blank if he voted for Hillary, Lee dodged with a laugh:
Did you vote for her?
Shit don’t work like that. [Laughs.]
No matter who Lee voted for in the general election, he’s in favor of getting Trump out of office. “Not only is he not a good president, he can’t dance either,” Lee told THR. “He could be impeached on his rhythm. He’s the clown with the nuclear codes.” Can clapping on the ones and the threes become impeachable offense?