After defending her decision to sit down with controversial Infowars host Alex Jones on Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly, Megyn Kelly must now grapple with J.P. Morgan Chase’s decision to temporarily pull its advertising from NBC over the interview. According to The Wall Street Journal, the bank has reportedly “asked for its local TV ads and digital ads to be removed from Ms. Kelly’s show and from all NBC news programming until after the show airs.” On Monday morning, J.P. Morgan Chase’s chief marketing officer Kristin Lemkau took to Twitter to express her dismay over Kelly’s decision to speak with Jones on her program. Lemkau wrote, “As an advertiser, I’m repulsed that @megynkelly would give a second of airtime to someone who says Sandy Hook and Aurora are hoaxes. Why?” It’s a sentiment shared by family members of those killed in the 2012 mass shooting.
As for her rationale for having the Infowars founder on her show, Kelly points to his jovial relationship with President Trump, who has been a guest on Jones’s show and praised his reputation. “He’s giving Infowars a WH press credential. Many don’t know him; our job is 2 shine a light,” Kelly tweeted on Sunday. In the past, Jones has suggested that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, was — among other catastrophic moments in U.S. history, including 9/11 — a staged event created by the government to further their clandestine agenda. Jones is now also calling on Megan Kelly not to air their interview for “misrepresenting” his views on the shooting, which killed 28, including the shooter Adam Lanza. Jones’s interview is scheduled to air this Sunday, June 18.