Having a famous family can be exhausting. In what isn’t but totally could be part of an episode of House of Carters, Aaron Carter reacted to his recent DUI arrest by turning against his brother Nick and claiming that the police targeted him because of his celebrity. The singer and his girlfriend Madison Parker were pulled over on Saturday night in Habersham County, Georgia, and charged with a variety of offenses including driving under the influence and possession of less than an ounce of marijuana (Carter says he has a license for medical marijuana for his anxiety). After Aaron’s arrest, his Backstreet Boy brother Nick sent his support on Twitter:
In Aaron’s statement Sunday night, however, he took the time to both lash out at the police, whom he claimed had targeted him because of his fame, and at his brother. “If my own blood (Nick) truly cared about my well-being, why wouldn’t he call me directly and have a conversation instead of making this about him through a very public forum?” Carter said in the statement. “That’s not cool at all to use me for his PR and kick me while I am down. I love my family despite it through thick and thin.” After Aaron posted his statement, Nick’s wife Lauren Kitt Carter tweeted at him asking to have Aaron’s girlfriend share his new number, claiming that Aaron changed his information again.
Aaron has retained an attorney in response to his arrest, and his statement claims that “the video from Auto Zone will prove that Aaron was not in a moving vehicle while arrested and charged with a DUI.” Carter also promised to make up lost tour dates and said he will appear at his next stop in Alabama on July 18. As for his relationship with Nick, here’s hoping those two can hug it out.