Somebody hug him, brotha. With a bit of time passing since the unexpected feud between former Drake & Josh stars Drake Bell and Josh Peck generated an onslaught of headlines — as a recap, Peck didn’t invite Bell to his wedding, saddening Bell and Nickelodeon enthusiasts everywhere — Bell is now opening up about how much the snub truly surprised him. (Bell previously touched on the snub in since-deleted tweets, where he wrote dejected musings like “true colors have come out today” and “ties officially cut.”) “I was caught off guard. I hadn’t heard of anything about it,” he explained to People. “There are no hard feelings.” However, his subsequent comments seem to point to Bell valuing their friendship more so than Peck. “He’s been my best friend for 18 years,” he continued. “In all honesty, we talk all the time, we’ve been talking. I was just expecting … ” Damn. Poor guy didn’t even finish his sentence.
On a lighter, non-existential-friend-crisis note, Bell was also surprised at how much their feud blew up in the media. “That was a shock,” he said. “I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. I did not realize that it was going to have such a viral affect … That’s my bro you know?” Yeah, we know, but maybe Peck doesn’t.