Spicey out.
With Sean Spicer resigning as Donald Trump’s press secretary, it seems likely we’ll also have to bid adieu to Melissa McCarthy’s impression of him on Saturday Night Live — who will play Anthony Scaramucci?! — as Spicey goes on to greener pastures. Dropping by Fox News for one last political-gossip session on Friday evening, his chat unsurprisingly turned to SNL at one point, with Sean Hannity point-blank asking if he thought the show’s parody was in good taste. “When it’s funny, it’s funny,” Spicer replied, before changing his tune a little bit. “I think that there were parts of it that were funny, but there’s a lot of it that was over the line. It wasn’t funny. It was stupid, or silly, or malicious. But there were some skits on late-night television that I did crack up at. So, sometimes it can be funny. Some of the memes you have to crack up about. But sometimes, it goes from funny to mean.”
Spicer has previously been ambivalent, but still amused, toward McCarthy’s screamin’ good impression, critiquing earlier this year that she should “dial it back” a little bit and “slow down on the gum chewing.” Conveniently, he said nothing about motorized podiums or Super Soakers.