Michelle Wolf: ‘It’s Actually Easier to Become President Than It Is to Become Miss America’

Usually when the Miss America pageant is covered on late night shows, it’s to mock their ditzy “like such as” answers to the judge’s questions. But as Michelle Wolf pointed out during last night’s Daily Show, now that Trump is president, Miss America and the POTUS have seemed to switch places in terms of which position is more intelligent, gives more thoughtful answers to tough questions, and can represent the US to the rest of the world without embarrassing us. “It’s actually easier to become president than it is to become Miss America. You know what the qualifications are for president? 35 and born here. That’s not qualifications, that’s the search terms of a sad lady on a Match.com profile,” Wolf says before recapping some of the Miss America contestants’ particularly thoughtful and concise answers to politically charged questions at this year’s pageant, notably what Miss Texas had to say about Charlottesville. “It took the president four days and three tries to give a shitty answer to that question, and Miss Texas nailed it in 20 seconds,” Wolf says. “This is how little faith America has in its women – they have to be prettier, more talented, and smarter than the president just to get the job of waving for a year.”

Michelle Wolf: ‘It’s Actually Easier to Become […]