last night on late night

Megyn Kelly Slams Bill O’Reilly and Fox News’ HR Department on Late Night

On Monday’s episode of Megyn Kelly Today, the host took a break from awkwardly dancing to address Bill O’Reilly’s claims that “no woman” complained about his behavior to Fox News. During a somber address to the camera, Kelly explained that she had emailed her superiors at the cable network about the history of sexual-harassment allegations against O’Reilly, and that they had done nothing to address her concerns. “It was time to tell that story,” Kelly told Seth Meyers on his show Wednesday night. “I take no pleasure in discussing Fox News in that way because I had a lot of good years there and they’re not all bad, they’ve got some great people, but he’s not one of them.”

Kelly went on to bash O’Reilly’s attempt to discredit her and former colleague Gretchen Carlson by publishing thank-you notes the women had sent him previously. “I think it’s something right out of the playbook of a lot of these guys,” Kelly said. “Ask yourself who keeps thank-you notes from nine years earlier and puts them in a file just in case he needs them?” She also reiterated her point that women at Fox News might not have felt like they could complain to human resources about O’Reilly. “HR was controlled by the CEO who was harassing half of the women in the building,” Kelly said of her former network when it was controlled by Roger Ailes. She added, “Even if HR is an option it doesn’t always go your way. If you don’t win this contest — you know, if you take a shot at the king you better kill him.”

Megyn Kelly Addresses Her Bill O’Reilly Feud on Late Night