Meek Mill is having a bad year. The rapper was first arrested in March for misdemeanor assault in St. Louis, then again in August for reckless driving and reckless endangerment in New York City. And now he’s been sentenced to two-to-four years in state prison by a Philadelphia court for violating his probation. The rapper was first put on probation in 2009 after serving jail time related to a drug and gun conviction, and over the last eight years, he has violated the terms of his probation numerous times, resulting in additional jail time in 2014 and a term of house arrest last year. Although the charges for both arrests earlier this year were dropped, Mill’s multiple run-ins with the law this year were enough for Common Pleas Court Judge Genece E. Brinkley, who has presided over Mill’s court cases for years, to send him back to prison for an extended time. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Brinkley was visibly fed up with seeing Mill return to her courtroom, and felt his behavior indicated he was “thumbing” his nose at her. The rapper’s attorney, Brian McMonagle, was asked if he would appeal the sentence and responded, “You’re goddamned right I am.”