In an interview so sweet your teeth will fall out, which would be perfect for Christopher Rivera’s zombie movie, A24 asked The Florida Project’s kid stars Brooklynn Prince, Valeria Cotto, and Rivera to pitch their dream project. While Cotto’s anti-bullying drama and Rivera’s zombie apocalypse action flick are both important films about important topics, 7-year-old Brooklynn Prince’s idea has all the makings of a must-see picture, specifically Emma Watson and John Boyega falling in love in a Broadway musical rom-com. Shooting on a slender budget of “$14,000 or $1,400” on “Broadway Street,” Prince’s film would be “a kinda like romance-comedy. It’s about a Broadway star and a set producer, or a stage manager, who the daughter loves hanging out with, so you know, they end up falling in love and yeah.” Elle Fanning and Daniel Kaluuya would round out the cast alongside Watson and Boyega, who Prince points out is her “Man Crush Monday,” because she is a filmmaker with her finger on the pulse of modern cinema.