On Wednesday, late-night hosts reacted to growing conspiracies surrounding the student survivors of last week’s gun massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Some of the teenagers have quickly gained national attention for their outspoken gun-control activism, which has led some other people to spread baseless theories that the teens are either not acting under their own volition or that they are somehow actually actors only pretending to be survivors. Taking a more serious tone during his monologue, Jimmy Kimmel addressed these conspiracy theorists. “Do you really think these kids, these teenagers that spoke out after a shooting at their school are actors who are part of a some sort of deep state, left-wing conspiracy theory?” He asked. “If the answer is ‘yes, I really do believe that,’ I have some bad news for you: You’re crazy.”
Trevor Noah was also skeptical about teens secretly being thespians. “Aside from everything else and how disgusting it is, have you ever met an actor?” Noah joked. “No actor would be able to participate in a secret conspiracy. Like if they played ‘Diarrhea Guy No. 3’ in a commercial, that’s how they introduce themselves at every single party.” He added that he thought it was particularly strange for people to argue that teenagers are too young to debate guns rationally when 18-year-olds can own firearms.