this! is! jeopardy!

All Intellectual Hell Broke Loose on Jeopardy! With Its First-Ever Tiebreaker

Suck it, Wheel of Fortune. What wild third-act twist have you pulled this week?! Huh?! Things took a turn for the dramatic on a Thursday Jeopardy! episode when, for the first time in its history, the show was forced to do a “tiebreaker” round after Final Jeopardy! to determine the winner of the program. It’s particularly wild for long-time fans of the show, who could tell you this tiebreaker concept is new: In years past, if a tie occurred after the final round, both contestants would advance to the next episode with the same amount of money, no problem. But the game show overlords apparently deemed that to be far too nice, birthing this two minutes of fun!

Congrats to Laura and her knowledge about modern British politics.

Things Got Wild on Jeopardy! With Its First-Ever Tiebreaker