The literary saga of the Two Marlon Bundo Books has gotten, well, another chapter. And as John Oliver himself would say, here’s a quick recap of the week: On Sunday, the day before Mike Pence’s family released their Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Life of the Vice President children’s rabbit book, Oliver and his Last Week Tonight team released a children’s rabbit book of their own, turning Marlon Bundo into a gay icon who fights against a tyrannical “stinkbug” to marry his fluffy love. (We guess Marlon Bundo wasn’t trademarked, eh?) Long story short, Last Week Tonight’s book significantly outsold the Pences’, and it even topped the charts at Amazon for a few days.
But wait! While the VP has, shockingly, not commented on this war of words, his daughter, Charlotte Pence, was more than happy to confirm she bought Oliver’s book. “Not gonna lie, I do look pretty fly in a bow tie,” Bundo’s official Instagram account read. “The only thing better than one bunny book for charity is … two bunny books for charity.”
In a separate interview with the Fox Business Network, the younger Pence expounded on the importance of donating to LGBTQ-supporting charities, which, in theory, seems very un-Pence. “His book is contributing to charities that I think we can all get behind,” she said. “We have two books that are giving to charities that are both about bunnies, so I’m all for it, really.” The winner indeed: Bunnies!