Well, this certainly gives new meaning to The Room where it happens. (Do whatever it takes to get his adaptation on the Richard Rogers Theater floor, hey!) For a few glorious minutes before admitting it was an April Fools’ prank, Lin-Manuel Miranda announced plans for his next big musical extravaganza: Tommy Wiseau’s The Room on Broadway! Theater Mania got the “exclusive” on Miranda’s newest thespian outing — “this is all very premature,” he jokingly tweeted — which featured a remarkable cast including Mark Rylance, Patti Lupone, Javier Muñoz, and Miranda himself. Also, there are songs!
Overture - Orchestra
Scenes From San Francisco - Company
Just a Little Something - Johnny and Lisa
I Just Like to Watch: Two Is Great But Three Is a Crowd - Denny, Johnny, and Lisa
You’re My Rose - Johnny
I Don’t Love Him Anymore - Lisa and Claudette
The Candles, the Music, the Sexy Dress (Loverboy) - Mark and Lisa
You’re My Favorite Customer - Florist
Half Canadian Bacon With Pineapple, Half Artichoke With Pesto and Light on the Cheese - Lisa
You’re My Rose (Reprise) - Johnny
You’re a Good Man (Don’t Worry About Those F**kers) - Lisa and Johnny
I Definitely Have Breast Cancer - Claudette
What Are These Characters Doing Here - Claudette, Lisa, Mike, Michelle, Denny
The Ballad of Denny - Denny
Where’s My F**king Money/Act 1 Finale - Chris-R, Denny, and company
And even more songs for the second act!
Down on Guerrero Street - Company
Oh Hai, Mark - Johnny
Gotta Tell You About Something/The World Would Be a Better Place to Live - Denny and Johnny
You’re Tearing Me Apart, Lisa - Johnny
Football on the Roof - Men
Whatever Happened to My Cancer - Claudette
Peter’s Song/Steven’s Song - Peter/Steven
Love Is Blind/The Out-of-State Bank Song - Men
Cheep, Cheep, Cheep (The Chicken Song) - Men
Anyway, How Is Your Sex Life? - Johnny
The Candles, the Music, the Sexy Dress (Reprise) - Johnny
We’re Expecting/There Is No Baby - Johnny, Lisa, and Company
I’m Fed Up With This World - Johnny
Why, Johnny? Why? Johnny, Why? Why? - Denny
Oh hai, guaranteed Tony winner.