On Friday, MoviePass updated its terms of service again, this time banning all their users from seeing the same movie more than once. Or, in their words, “THE SERVICE PROHIBITS REPEAT VIEWINGS OF THE SAME MOVIE.” Yikes. The move comes not long after the service scrapped its one-movie-a-day plan and is now only allowing new users to sign up for a plan that allows them to get four movie tickets a month.
The fact that this change was made right as Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters might frustrate Marvel superfans, and it could come as a shock to users who signed up for a year-long plan in advance and who will now be subject to these new restrictions. In that case, MoviePass CEO Rich Lowe told The Hollywood Reporter, “Anyone with an issue should call customer service.” So that’s a fun little add to your to-do list. But don’t worry, the terms of service also stated that some premium plans could be coming soon. Which might mean you’ll soon be able to get all the original perks of MoviePass back, while also getting the opportunity to pay more money for it.