To quote a wise man who knows a thing or two about game shows: Damn you, Trebek. The very esteemed, the very beloved, the very Canadian Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek has sent up his flair signals to indicate his retirement plans for the long-running show, saying in a new interview with TMZ there’s a “50/50” chance “and a little less” that he won’t return when his contract expires in 2020. And not only that, but he has two (wildly specific) people in mind to replace him: Alex Faust, the Los Angeles Kings’ play-by-play announcer, or Laura Coates, a legal analyst for CNN. (Vulture would officially like to put forth Jeopardy! alumni Austin Rogers or Buzzy Cohen for consideration.) We’ll be brushing up on our clues and trash-talking Pat Sajak out of solidarity.