In this week’s Who Is America? episode, a new Sacha Baron Cohen character named OMGWhizzBoyOMG manages to corral Sheriff Joe Arpaio into “unboxing” some cute toys with him — oh, and to talk about how Arpaio would accept a hypothetical blowjob from President Trump if requested to do such a thing. Before the episode’s release, Arpaio blasted Cohen for duping him in such a manner, saying by the end of his segment he was “a little concerned” that he “walked into this trap.” (He also admitted he didn’t fully read the contract given by producers.) Speaking at a town hall earlier this week, Arpaio is now opening up a little more about how exactly he managed to get duped, likening his experience to a “bad mistake” he never wants to think about again.
“So he’s talking and I couldn’t understand him. He’s talking about golden showers. I thought he was talking about — the president has gold [in his shower],” he explained, according to the Washington Examiner. “And then handjob. What was that? He was talking about illegals coming over working with their hands on their job.” Sure!
This tango of words also hindered Arpaio’s ability to hear the word blow before job. “Then the other thing — the only thing I got was that he would offer me a job. I didn’t hear that little thing before that,” he said, referring to that would-blow-for-Trump comment. “I don’t know where that came from.” Well, in his defense, there are a lot of open White House jobs right now.