Back in March, Hasan Minhaj became the latest Daily Show regular to get his own weekly talk show at Netflix, and today the streaming network revealed the show’s title and premiere date. Titled Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj, the show – which has been given an impressive 32-episode order by Netflix – is slated to debut Sunday, October 28, and will “explore the modern cultural and political landscape with depth and sincerity,” with Minhaj, who the first Indian-American to host a weekly comedy show, bringing “his unique comedic voice and storytelling skill to investigate the larger trends shaping our fragmented world.”
Minhaj is also credited as an executive producer on the series alongside co-creator Prashanth Venkataramanujam (a writer for Minhaj’s 2017 WHCD speech), Michelle Caputo, Shannon Hartman, and showrunner Jim Margolis (The Daily Show, Veep). Check out a promo below: